Skip Tracing
Skip tracing is just a fancy name for finding someone. Although some skip tracing may require more in-depth type of investigations, most skip tracing can be done utilizing the most comprehensive databases available. We have access to the most current and accurate information to provide our clients with the best possible service. Skip Tracing can be done for a variety of reasons, including serving legal documents, locate an old friend, etc.
Basic skip trace: Assuming you have a fairly recent previous address or the person has an uncommon name, we can do most skip tracing between $150.00 & $200.00. Even if you don’t believe you have enough information, give us a call and we will give you an accurate assessment if we can help.
Depending on the circumstances, we may elect to contact the person on your behalf and get permission to disclose their personal information.
Find Missing Children
What happens when your child runs away from home? You make a police report and they tell you that there is nothing they can do. You need to call us FAST.
We have ways of tracking where your child is by many methods. Interviewing friends of your child can usually lead us in the right direction. We are experts on deception and can determine who of your child’s friends has knowledge of their whereabouts. We set up trap lines, conduct surveillance, interviews and a lot more that can’t be listed here. We find your child fast, before they are seriously injured.
We have a 100% success rate on returning missing kids